Foundation Repair Concrete Repairman® We Fix It Right™

Licensed, Bonded and Insured Commercial & Residential Foundation Repair Contractors - ROC# 300512 CR-9

Foundation Inspections Can Save You $1,000’s

” Foundation Repair – Home Foundation Inspection” by Concrete Repairman LLC can identifying foundation damage, identifying the source, preparing an effective plan of repair and recommendation of professional foundation inspection and repair services. ” Foundations, floor cracks and gaps, cracked and broken concrete, slab leaks, slab deterioration, damp walls, electrical wiring problems, moisture control, basement seepage, foundation cracking, basement wall movement, roof ventilation, crawl space dehumidification, septic tank problems, and basement water problems should all be evaluated for foundation deterioration and a foundation inspection performed at the first sign of trouble.” Foundation inspections should be scheduled as soon as a problem develops. A professional foundation inspector James Belville will perform thorough investigations and identify possible weak spots in your home’s foundation.

Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Awhatukee Foothills, near me in Arizona.

Foundation Inspection Arizona, licensed foundation expert, and foundation repair contractor Arizona, licensed concrete foundation expert experienced foundation inspections. “Foundations, floor cracks and gaps, cracked and broken concrete, post stress, permeated cracks, horizontal cracks, foundation heave, floor cracks, foundation leveling, post stress cracks, foundation leveling, damp walls, soundproofing, basement seepage, crawl space dehumidification, and basement water problems.” Foundations are important because they affect the structural strength of a home. Most homes have foundations and more than 90% of home buildings have some sort of foundation.

There are many types of home foundation inspections. Some of the most popular ones include: Mobile homes, manufactured homes, stick built houses, ranch style homes, mobile homes, manufactured stick built homes, ranch style homes, stick built mobile homes, remodel mobile homes, retrofit mobile homes, manufactured home inspections, pre-fabrication inspections, pre-sale inspections, open house inspections, and new construction inspections. Some states require annual inspections, but most states don’t. Home buyers can usually purchase a foundation inspection report from any home inspection service company.

Foundations are comprised of concrete, steel or other non-permeable material. They are typically made by the manufacturer or a sub-contractor, and may be either concrete and wood. The concrete forms are called poured joints. Wood forms are typically poured floor joists, floor deck, interior floor boards, interior wall framing, exterior wall framing, and exterior wall flashing.

A foundation problem can not only cause excess wear and tear on your home, it can also be a safety hazard. Any cracks or openings allow moisture, which is a powerful, toxic gas, into your home. Over time, that can mean increased heating and cooling costs, as well as injury risk. It can also mean that you have to seek costly repairs, which can be extremely expensive. Not only does an inferior foundation create these potential hazards, it also makes foundation repair much more difficult.

Your best bet for avoiding a foundation problem is to let a qualified foundation repairman look at it. Any cracks or openings in your walls, floor, or ceilings should be reported immediately to the local home inspector. You can even ask your repairman to take a sample of your foundation problem for mold testing and remediation. A qualified foundation repairman will know exactly what to do to make your home as comfortable as possible, with the least amount of damage. It’s just a smart home improvement idea!

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Concrete Videos

How to Use a Concrete Video For Your Foundation Repair Needs

There are a number of different reasons why a company may need to utilize concrete videos during and after a foundation repair project. For instance, cracks may appear anywhere along the foundation which could allow water in. In turn this will lead to excess moisture being built up which can lead to mold and mildew. If the crack or other problem isn’t noticed right away then it can continue to get worse causing significant damage. One way that you can help prevent problems from occurring is by using a video to spot problems before they become a big issue. More about foundation inspections.

Many people assume that cracks in foundation walls will need to be repaired by foundation repair professionals. While this is true, you don’t have to wait for a professional to come out to take care of your issue. You can fix these types of cracks yourself with the use of a video camera. This saves you the cost of an expensive service, as well as the hassle of traveling to a business that might not be able to perform the job right. In most cases it is far better to find one of these videos online than to call a repairman and pay him/her a large fee to come out. More about stem wall repair Phoenix Arizona.

Most of these concrete videos will show you exactly what to look for when checking for cracks in the foundation. There are a few different things that need to be looked at when a foundation has cracks. For instance, most people think that if there are cracks it means that the floor has been damaged, but in reality that isn’t always the case. More about foundation repair Phoenix.

If you are having foundation crack problems, it is important to note that you shouldn’t wait to contact a foundation repair specialist just because you see a crack. You should try to determine what is causing the crack(s) before calling a contractor. This will help avoid any unnecessary costs and time wasted while waiting to get the problem fixed. Here are some things to look for when viewing a video. More about concrete repair.

First, you want to watch for cracks in the corners of the foundation wall. These can be caused by damage to the wood surrounding the foundation or it could be a sign of a more serious problem. If the corner of the foundation wall is buckling, this could also indicate another issue, such as the foundation settlement which could lead to foundation wall collapse. A video should clearly show you what the problem is and how to fix it.

Next, you need to watch for foundation “puddles” or wet spots. These are areas where water could be leaking into the foundation. It’s rare for foundations to just dry up on their own, so if you see spots of water accumulation it is important to have the foundation inspected. The area of the foundation where the wet spot is located may even need to be dug up and replaced with new concrete. A video can often be helpful here as well.

Finally, you should see if the foundation wall is cracked or broken in any area. If so, it is time for concrete repairs that will make your house safer and make the foundation stronger. The most common place for cracks to start is at the corners, but they can also start in other places as well.

There are many different kinds of videos out there, some of them for residential and some for commercial uses. Before you decide on a specific product, it is a good idea to do research online. Most are available for download free, but some offer a small fee to help cover costs of production and distribution. You should make sure that any product you are considering is certified by an independent agency, as there can be problems associated with some products that aren’t done correctly.

Concrete Repair Videos

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Foundation Crack Repair
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Gilbert Foundation Repair Stem Wall Repair and Anchor Bolts Replacement

Gilbert Foundation Repair Stem Wall Repair

The Basics of Foundation Repair

Your home’s foundation Gilber AZ is critical for stability. When it starts to settle, it can cause problems like cracked walls and floors and doors that won’t close properly. There are several ways to reestablish support for your foundation. The best option usually depends on the soil composition beneath your house.

Stem Wall Repair

As the name implies, stem wall repair deals with issues like cracks in the foundation. These can be caused by a number of different factors, including soil conditions and changes in temperature. In order to minimize these problems, homeowners should proactively maintain their foundations. This includes regular inspections, waterproofing, and drains.

When cracks occur in a foundation’s stem walls, they need to be addressed right away. If they aren’t, they will worsen over time. The best way to fix this issue is by using carbon fiber and epoxy to reinforce the damaged areas of the foundation.

While there are other ways to address these problems, they won’t be as effective or long-lasting. These methods don’t tackle the root cause of the problem, which is rust induced by chloride ion migration. This is why it’s important to consult a foundation repair company that understands this problem and can offer solutions that are more sustainable.

Foundation Problems

A home foundation repair job is time consuming and expensive. It involves plan development, support installation, and house raising or stabilization. This work also requires a structural engineer’s report. The sooner this work is done, the less costly it will be.

Unless foundation problems are addressed early, they can damage walls, ceilings, windows and doors. They can even cause pipes to leak. Foundation damage can also reduce a home’s real estate value.

There are several indicators that a home’s foundation is in trouble, such as stair step cracks, visible gaps around doors and windows, and sagging floors. Even hairline cracks should be watched, as they could be caused by moisture intrusion. Structural engineers should examine any crack wider than a quarter of an inch. They can recommend a variety of repairs, including steel or concrete piers, mudjacking, and concrete piles. Many of these solutions involve digging underneath the foundation and pumping in a mixture of water and cement, but each option has pros and cons depending on the soil under the house.

Rebar Repair

Foundation repair contractors in Gilbert, Arizona fix a wide range of issues, from horizontal and vertical cracks to rusty and oxidized rebar. Some of these problems require excavation, and if the soil has been compacted or damaged by water, it may be necessary to hire a landscaping company to improve the drainage around the foundation before a contractor can work on it.

The whole point of a foundation is to evenly distribute the load of a home over the soil and support it. When rebar becomes broken it jeopardizes this function by providing easy access for water to the soil underneath, leading to spalling and other structural damage. The rusty rebar is also a source of stress that can lead to bowing walls. To combat rebar rust, we use carbon fiber wraps (a Kevlar-like material that has 15,000 pounds of tensile strength) and epoxy to seal the rust and impede future corrosion. These repairs are generally more expensive than repairing a crack, but they are necessary to keep your home safe and stable.

Anchor Bolt Repair

Anchor bolts are a crucial part of any foundation structure, and they must be properly positioned and sized. A professional structural engineer can recommend the best type of anchor bolt based on the load requirements and concrete PSI. Choosing the right bolt size ensures that it can support the fixture, and that it won’t be subject to stresses caused by a bad placement.

Bent-bar anchor bolts are steel rods that have threads on one end and a bent or bowed end that is inserted into the concrete during installation. These heavy-duty foundation bolts are used to support signposts, shafts, heavy hardware and additional steel structures. They can also be used to secure steel high fences on highways and other public areas. A professional can recommend the correct type of anchor bolt for a specific project, and a skilled technician can install the new anchor bolts in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended installation methods. Anchor bolts can be repaired using coupling and welding techniques to remove and replace damaged threaded regions caused by corrosion or lateral shear failure.

Foundation Crack Repair Phoenix and Ahwatukee Arizona Licensed Contractors AZ


Foundation Crack Repair Is Essential to Preserving the Structural Integrity of Homes and Buildings. Watch this Video.

A foundation crack repair Awhatukee and Phoenix AZ specialist can help stabilize non-structural cracks by injecting epoxy or polyurethane into them. This lifts the concrete and prevents water leakage. It’s important to monitor these cracks and re-apply the material regularly as needed.

Scrub hairline cracks clean of loose concrete, sand, paint or old crack filler with a wire brush and vacuum the area. Inject the epoxy into the cracks through injection ports that are sealed with surface paste epoxy.

Foundation Crack Repair Experts Phoenix AZ

While foundation cracks aren’t always a sign of structural damage, they are something that should be repaired and sealed as quickly as possible. Depending on the size of the crack, you may be able to fix it with an epoxy injection or carbon fiber staples. These are long-lasting solutions that will keep water from seeping into your basement or crawl space.

Horizontal cracks often indicate a more serious problem, such as hydrostatic pressure or even bulging walls. A foundation contractor will be able to assess the issue and recommend the appropriate solution.

Structural cracks can be caused by soil movement, poor grading, or uncompacted soil during construction. This can create pressure against the outside walls and cause shifts within your home’s foundation that may be very difficult to repair. These problems require expert assessment and remediation. If your cracks are severe or change direction, you’ll need to consider wall anchors to stabilize your foundation walls. These anchors are made of heavy-duty, galvanized steel and guarantee to provide long-lasting stabilization for your home’s foundation walls.

Phoenix Arizona

Buying a home is a huge step for any homeowner and one of the worst nightmares a buyer can face is discovering foundation damage after they have already closed on the property. When this happens it can cost both parties in time, money and reputation.

A professional foundation repair expert can inspect a house and identify the problem before it becomes a headache. They can also recommend solutions that will prevent future problems from occurring. Look for a company that offers transferable warranties on their work.

The best way to choose a Phoenix foundation repair contractor is to ask them questions about their experience. For example, what kind of training does the team have? This will help you determine whether the company is a good fit for your needs. Moreover, make sure that they have a valid license. You can check the Arizona registrar of contractors to find out whether a company has a residential general contractor or concrete specialty license. They should also be able to provide you with references and a copy of their insurance policy.

Ahwatukee Foothills Contractors

Home remodeling can be a huge project. It’s important to hire contractors that have the right experience and expertise in the field. They should also be licensed, bonded and insured to ensure your safety and protection. You can check their credentials by calling the licensing board. You can also ask for references from previous clients.

Licensed & Bonded

Foundation crack repair is essential to preserving the structural integrity of homes and buildings. Proper care of these cracks prevents them from widening, leaking, and becoming a source of further damage to the structure and property. It also helps protect against pest infestation.

Minor, non-structural cracks caused by expansion and contraction of concrete are typically hairline thin and can be filled using an epoxy masonry sealant. Cracks wider than that should be inspected by a professional to determine the cause of the problem. This will require a thorough inspection and evaluation of the foundation.

When the causes of cracks are determined, licensed contractors can recommend a variety of effective solutions to address them. These include underpinning with push piers, helical steel piers, or drilled concrete piers. Injecting a low-pressure epoxy crack sealant into the structural cracks can also provide long-lasting results.

Another method of addressing cracking is polyjacking, in which polyurethane foam is injected beneath the concrete slab to lift and stabilize the foundation. This can be used to repair sinking foundations and to raise and level sagging or leaning structures.


Structural cracks are an indication of a problem that needs to be professionally addressed. Horizontal cracks, particularly if they’re accompanied by bowing walls, are usually caused by shifting soil and intense hydrostatic pressure that can cause the wall to push inward. A foundation contractor will be able to determine the extent of the damage and offer an appropriate solution.

Non-structural cracks are less serious, but still pose a risk and should be sealed to keep out moisture, soil smells and radon gas. A licensed foundation contractor can use epoxy injections or carbon fiber staples to fill and seal the crack.

If a crack is accompanied by water leakage, that’s also an indicator of structural problems and should be repaired immediately. Water infiltration can lead to mold and mildew growth, and if left unaddressed could result in significant water damage. In addition to sealing the leaky crack, it’s important to address why the water is getting into the basement in the first place. This may involve removing landscaping plants and regrading the yard to ensure that water drains away from the house rather than pooling near it.

Are Foundation Repairs Worth It?

Are Foundation Repairs Worth It?

The answer to this question will vary depending on the severity of the problem and the homeowner’s long-term goals. For instance, if the homeowner is planning on selling their home in the next few years, then foundation repair may not be worth it. However, if the cracks in the foundation are widening rapidly and have already affected other parts of the home, then it would be wise to have them repaired. This will protect the homeowner from costly repairs that they will have to make in order to sell their home, as well as save them time and stress.

Cracks in a home’s foundation are typically caused by soil erosion and moisture problems. This is because water expands as it absorbs into the ground, and this can put pressure on the foundation. If this pressure is not relieved, then the foundation may crack or even collapse. To avoid this type of damage, homeowners should ensure that their gutters are functioning properly to keep water away from the house. They should also ensure that the soil around the foundation slopes away from the foundation to prevent water pooling and soil erosion. Additionally, if the home is built on clay soil, then the homeowner should install drain tile to dump water directly into the sump crock to help minimize the pressure on the foundation.

In addition, the homeowner should ensure that crawl spaces are properly ventilated to prevent moisture buildup, and they should use landscaping to direct water and rainwater away from the house. If the foundation of the house is made of cinder block, then it is particularly susceptible to cracking due to the mortar that holds the blocks together. This type of foundation can be reinforced with steel bars inserted into the concrete, or it can be replaced entirely. If the cinder block foundation is showing signs of damage, then the homeowner should hire a structural engineer to evaluate the situation and recommend the best course of action.

It is generally accepted that the longer you wait to have your foundation repaired, the more expensive it will be. This is because repairing walls and ceilings, crooked doors and windows, and other damage that is caused by moisture can be extremely time-consuming and costly.

If you do choose to have your foundation repaired, it is important to find a qualified contractor that will provide quality work and stand behind their products and services. You can do this by researching local contractors and checking their online reviews. This will give you an idea of the type of work that they perform, and if their customers are satisfied with their service.

Overall, foundation repair is usually worth it. Not only will it protect your home from further damage, but it will also increase its value in the market. In today’s buyer’s market, potential buyers are looking for homes that are in good condition, and a cracked foundation will deter many of them from considering your home.

Tempe Arizona Foundation Crack Repair Contractors Tempe AZ

Scottsdale Foundation Repair Experts

Scottsdale Foundation Repair Experts
Concrete Repairman LLC

Scottsdale Foundation Repair Experts

A home’s foundation can be damaged by a number of factors. Foundation repair is a crucial service that will restore a home’s value and protect its structural integrity. A qualified foundation repair company will have the experience and expertise to provide solutions for a wide range of issues. These include helical and push pier systems, stem wall repair, sinking slabs, and floor cracks.

Strap Repair and Replacement

The experts at Concrete Repairman offer comprehensive foundation repair services for residential and commercial properties. They are licensed foundation crack repair contractors that use proven solutions to fix any problem, from sagging foundations to leaky basements. They can also provide effective below ground waterproofing techniques to prevent water from entering the footings and slabs of your home or building.

When you notice a small crack in your foundation, it’s important to get it repaired right away. Not only is damaged concrete unattractive, but it can also pose a tripping hazard for you and your guests. If left untreated, these cracks can widen and lead to more extensive damage in the future.

A professional contractor will inspect your foundation thoroughly and choose a suitable method for the repair. The most common solution is to install concrete piers, which are small cylindrical tubes that are drilled into the soil below your foundation. They are then filled with concrete to provide firm support for your foundation. This method is relatively affordable and can be completed quickly.

A professional foundation repair contractor can also help with a wide variety of other problems, such as uneven foundation movement, drywall cracks, and settlement sinking. They can help you find the best solution for your specific needs, and they will explain how the process works.

J-Bolt Replacement

A house that has a foundation that is sinking can be a real nuisance. It can lead to cracked walls, sagging floors, gaps around doors and windows, and bowed basement walls. It can also diminish the value of a home. Fortunately, there are several ways to fix this problem and restore its structural integrity. Licensed experts offering Scottsdale Foundation Repair services can use a combination of procedures to stabilize and correct the sinking.

One way is to replace the j-bolt anchors. These anchors are placed in concrete to help hold the house’s weight. They are usually made of steel and are placed at various depths in the concrete. Choosing the right bolt can be complicated because there are many factors to consider. These include the material, the length of the bolt, and the spacing between the free ends of the bolt.

Another option is to install concrete piers. This is a long-term solution for sinking foundations. Constructors install these piers underground and customize them to the foundation depth and soil conditions of your home. They can be used to lift and stabilize your foundation, preventing the need for expensive repairs.

In addition, concrete piers can be used to improve the drainage of your foundation. This can prevent moisture from seeping into the foundation and causing damage. If you’re considering installing these piers, make sure to consult with an engineer first. They can provide you with calculations and a technical drawing of the project, which will be required by your city building department.

Expansive Soil Solutions

When expansive soils are present, it’s a good idea to talk with a local repair expert about the options for avoiding problems. This could include having the soil tested and getting proper grading. Depending on the results, this might be enough to prevent future problems.

But if hydrostatic pressure is already building up, these solutions may not be enough to stop it. In this case, it’s best to look at other soil repair options that will provide more support for the foundation. This might mean stem wall repair or waterproofing, for example.

James Belville and his team of experts are able to provide both of these services for homeowners. In addition to repairing the foundation and installing new concrete, they also create a waterproof barrier on the outside of the stem walls. This will prevent water vapor and salt efflorescence from getting into the stem walls, which can cause chloride ion transfer and spalling damage.

Expansive soil heave is a common problem that can impact your quality of life. It is caused by expansive clay soils moving down and up. This can result in the perimeter foundation buckling and heaving, as well as interior “floating floors” that warp base boards. This can be very dangerous for a home or structure, as it puts the residents in danger of falling debris and injury.


If your house has a concrete foundation that needs repair, you should get it taken care of sooner rather than later. If you ignore these issues, they will only worsen and could lead to your home’s structural integrity being compromised, which is a big deal.

It’s important to find a foundation repair contractor with experience, knowledge, and the right systems for the job. A qualified contractor will be able to diagnose the problem correctly and provide the best solution for your Paradise Valley, Arizona home. They will use the right products that are designed with foundations in mind and have been tested to perform at the highest industry standards.

You should also ask your potential foundation repair company about their warranty options and what is covered by the work they do. It is recommended to choose a company that offers a lifetime transferable guarantee. This shows their confidence in the work they do and gives you peace of mind in the long run.

Few things in a home diminish its value quite as quickly as a damaged foundation. It is critical to take this seriously, so be sure to call in a professional Scottsdale foundation repair expert as soon as you notice any signs of a problem. Their experience and skills will help you save money in the long run by addressing the issue before it gets out of hand.

Foundation Repair Experts Phoenix Arizona We Fix it Right!

Foundation Repair Experts Phoenix Arizona

Phoenix Foundation Repair Experts

Phoenix Foundation Repair Experts can solve many types of foundation problems, including sagging floors, buckling walls and mold growth. They offer a variety of solutions, including horizontal crack repair anchor bolt removal and replacement anchor systems. Fix spalling concrete foundation walls waterproof and paint.

Horizontal Crack Repair

Horizontal cracks on a foundation wall are a serious problem that requires professional repair. These cracks usually indicate that expansive soils are putting pressure on the walls of the foundation. Clay soils expand and contract significantly. When they become wet, the expansion will put so much pressure on the walls that the walls may bend or buckle.

These cracks will need to be repaired quickly by a Phoenix foundation repair contractor. The good news is that most horizontal cracks can be fixed.

Map cracks are often caused by weather changes and can be corrected with epoxy injections or concrete sealants. When a crack in your foundation becomes wider than the width of a quarter, it’s time to call in a foundation expert for a more comprehensive repair. This will help prevent the crack from enlarging and weakening your home. It will also protect your home from structural damage and future leaks. Other cracks, such as stair-stepping cracks, require more extensive repairs and should be assessed by a foundation repair contractor.

Strap Removal and Replacement

Foundation damage can occur as a result of many factors, including soil issues. The desert clay beneath a home’s foundation can soak up water, which causes the concrete to separate from the structure. The resulting cracks can weaken the foundation and decrease a property’s value.

If you notice that your foundation is sinking, you should contact a professional immediately. Leaving the issue unattended will only worsen the situation and cost you more money in the long run. Depending on the severity of the problem, a contractor may use push piers or helical pier systems to restore the foundation and stabilize your home. A Phoenix home foundation repair expert Phoenix AZ will be able to help you determine the best solution for your specific needs. Moreover, they can also recommend the proper methods for raising your home’s foundation. For example, they can install high-density polyurethane foam, is ideal for lifting leaning walls and other problems.

Spalling Foundation

Spalling is the deterioration of concrete or masonry around your building caused by water penetrating brick, concrete or natural stone and pushing it outward. It can cause major structural damage or bring down the entire building so it should be treated seriously. It is not a cosmetic problem but one that should be inspected by a professional.

The first signs of spalling are flakes and crumbles on the outside of your foundation walls. You may also notice that your walls are leaning. This could be because of a number of reasons including:

Foundation repair experts Arizona inspect your property and choose varying repair methods depending on the cause. Some techniques include piers, piles and polyurethane foam injection. A company that specializes in Phoenix foundation repair Phoenix Arizona offers carbon fiber slab crack stitching and GFRP rebar, which is corrosion resistant and has twice the tensile strength of steel rebar. It also has 100% protection against chloride and provides thermal and electrical insulator.

Certified Repairs

A licensed foundation repair expert can help you determine the cause of your foundation problem. They will also provide you with a comprehensive list of solutions for your specific problem. These solutions may include helical and push pier systems, stem wall repair, re-leveling, floor cracks and other concrete repairs. They can help you address your foundation issues and restore the structural integrity of your home or business.

Foundation repair contractors Phoenix Arizona have extensive experience working with a variety of different types of homes and structures. They can address problems ranging from soil moisture to settling foundations. They can also perform a thorough inspection of your home’s foundation to identify any problem areas.

When choosing a contractor, make sure they have full-time employees and a valid business license. A company that uses subcontractors puts homeowners at risk of lawsuits and forced sales. They should be able to show you proof of their insurance coverage. You should also ask for references.

How to Repair Foundations – Concrete Repairman®

How to Repair Foundations

A home’s foundation is anchored to the earth around it, but soil shifts and moves due to weather and groundwater conditions. This stress puts a strain on foundation walls, and can cause cracks and other problems. It is important to catch these problems early to prevent them from getting worse. This is especially true for structural problems, such as sinking and bowing foundation walls. How to repair foundation videos.

In some cases, a cracked or leaning foundation can be repaired using concrete repair techniques that are simple and inexpensive. However, even these methods can only address the problem at the surface. To address the underlying issue, it is necessary to perform other more extensive and costly repairs.

If the crack is less than a quarter inch wide, it can usually be filled with a polyurethane or silicone caulk. Apply the caulk using a caulking gun to force it into the crack, making sure to fill it completely. Concrete Repairman YouTube.

For cracks wider than a quarter inch, it’s best to call in a professional. A structural engineer can help you determine if the crack is a problem or not, and if it needs to be repaired. It is also best to remove foundation plantings and install guttering and downspouts, to ensure that water is directed away from the house, and to slope the yard so that it doesn’t collect near the foundation. More about foundation repair.

These types of cracks are often caused by hydrostatic pressure pushing against the foundation wall. This is particularly common in areas with expansive clay soils that can swell when wet. Depending on the severity of the crack, a professional may need to perform an inspection and recommend a concrete repair method.

If a crack in the foundation wall is accompanied by a slight bulge, this is usually a sign that the crack is more severe and should be evaluated by a professional. It is also important to examine the surrounding soil, to make sure that it is not too wet or loose.

Tension Ties Strap Repair

If you have a basement that is experiencing serious problems, it may be time to consider a Tension Ties strap system to stabilize the foundation. This is an effective and cost-efficient way to keep your basement safe and dry.

A cracked or sinking basement can be an embarrassment, and a safety hazard for your family. However, the good news is that many of these problems can be prevented with a little maintenance and some basic foundation repairs. If you see any cracks, or other signs of trouble, call a professional for a free inspection. The sooner a problem is spotted, the easier and cheaper it is to fix. Review of Concrete Repairman

How To Foundation Crack Repair – Carbon Fiber Rebar – J-Bolt Replacement Anchors

How To Foundation Crack Repair

Arizona,Phoenix,Tempe,Chandler,Gilbert,Glendale,Mesa,Tempe Arizona,Tempe AZ,Stem Wall Repair,Foundation Repair,Foundation Crack repair,How To,How to Fix,Fix Cracks,Cracks in Foundation in the United States.

How to Repair Foundation Cracks

Small cracks in a foundation wall are usually not serious and do not pose a structural threat. However, it is important to repair these cracks to prevent water leakage and rot. Non-structural cracks can be sealed with a latex caulking mix, hydraulic cement or patching compound. This procedure is quick and easy and requires only a few basic tools.

Rebar Replacement

While hairline cracks in your foundation aren’t always a major cause for concern, it is important to repair these before they get worse. For cracks less than 1/4 inch wide, you can fill them with polyurethane or silicone caulking. This type of crack repair allows for expansion and contraction due to temperature changes without compromising the integrity of your foundation walls.

For cracks that are wider than a hairline, you’ll need to add carbon fiber countersunk staples or straps to the r for additional reinforcement. This will prevent the crack from re-opening over time. For non-structural cracks that are not threatening the stability of your home, you can use vinyl patching compound to fill the cracks.

It’s also a good idea to seal your foundation walls with waterproof masonry sealer. This will prevent air and water infiltration into your basement or crawl space, which can lead to mold and mildew growth.

J-Bolt Replacement

A bolt shaped like a letter J is placed in the foundation before concrete is poured. It’s used to prevent the wall from rising or sliding off the foundation and is usually made of steel or titanium, which is strong, durable and resists corrosive elements.

When a crack in the foundation walls is wider than a hairline, it should be considered structural and requires professional inspection. It might mean that there’s a bigger problem with the foundation that can’t be resolved by a DIY repair project, such as water infiltration or soil movement.

Non-structural cracks can be filled in with a polyurethane, silicone or latex concrete caulk that’s designed to expand and contract with changes in weather. It’s important to monitor these cracks and reapply the caulk as needed. Also, be sure to clean out gutters and down spouts regularly so that they aren’t clogged and allowing water to pool around the foundation. This can exacerbate cracking.

Tension Ties Strap Repair

Tension Ties straps are simple, versatile solutions for a wide range of connections. These steel straps join and reinforce joints in wood building projects, transferring tension and compression loads. They are available in a wide variety of lengths, widths and thicknesses to meet the demands of different applications. They can be used on the wide or narrow face of lumber and work well in both light and heavy-duty projects.

Hairline cracks may not seem like a big deal, but they should be monitored and possibly repaired as soon as possible. This will help prevent water seepage and protect the structural integrity of your home.

However, if you’ve noticed a vertical crack that is wider than the thickness of a dime, you should have a foundation specialist take a look. These are a sign of hydrostatic pressure that needs to be relieved and can eventually lead to bowing, leaning or sinking foundation walls. This can lead to costly repairs and major structural damage.

Epoxy Injections

This method uses low-pressure injection of epoxy crack sealer through injection ports that are installed in a foundation wall. Before injecting, the crack is scrubbed clean and blown dry with compressed air. Licensed foundation specialists will help you select the right type of injection resin for the size of your structural crack.

Epoxy injection is an excellent choice to repair active leaking cracks in concrete foundation walls. The injected epoxy will bond the two sides of the crack together to create a structural repair joint that resists water penetration far better than the leaking concrete alone.

When using this method, it is important that the cracks be free of running water, because the injected epoxy will wastefully expand into a void. Injection ports must be sealed with surface paste epoxy to prevent leakage and ensure that the injected resin reaches the backside of the crack where it is needed most. Injection should be done at a slow pace to avoid rupturing the injection port or causing premature crack filler set.

Arizona,Phoenix,Tempe,Chandler,Gilbert,Glendale,Mesa,Tempe Arizona,Tempe AZ,Stem Wall Repair,Foundation Repair,Foundation Crack repair,How To,How to Fix,Fix Cracks,Cracks in Foundation in the United States.



Concrete Foundation Repair Contractors

Hiring Concrete Foundation Repair Contractors

Tempe Arizona: When hiring a foundation repair contractor, homeowners should look for companies with experience and proven solutions. This will ensure that the repairs are performed correctly and will last for a long time. Most contractors use piers or slab jacks to raise sunken sections of the home’s foundation. These supports are installed underground by digging and drilling holes, then pouring concrete in the case of piers or driving pre-formed concrete segments (called pressed pilings) in the case of slab jacks.

Rebar Corrosion

Rebar corrosion can cause a variety of problems. First, the corroding steel expands as it rusts and this puts pressure on the surrounding concrete. This process weakens the structure and is a common reason for foundation failure. In addition, the rust can leave stains on the concrete that are unsightly and may pose safety risks. Normally, the alkaline environment of concrete protects reinforcing steel by creating a passivating oxide film. However, chloride ions that are introduced into the concrete by deicing salts disrupt this protective layer and cause rebar to corrode. To prevent rebar corrosion, you need to use products that promote a barrier while maintaining strength. You can also use a voltmeter to identify areas of probable corrosion. This device can be purchased from concrete restoration suppliers. The voltmeter comes with two electrode extensions, a reference electrode with copper sulfate reservoir, dispensing sponge and 250 ft. of cable reel. It is simple to operate and can provide a good indication of corrosion probability.

J-Bolt Repair

J-Bolts: The bottom of the bolt is designed to latch onto rebar embedded in concrete. This design distributes loads and helps prevent the walls from rising or sliding off the foundation. To install a j-bolt, first prepare the concrete surface by removing any dirt or debris. Then, insert the bolt at an angle and wiggle it to remove air bubbles. After securing the bolt, smooth the concrete surface. A sagging foundation can affect your home’s market value and safety. If your foundation is cracking, it’s important to get it fixed immediately. There are several different methods of fixing a cracked foundation, but a concrete pier is one of the most cost-effective and long-lasting options. It’s also easier to install than a steel pier and doesn’t require digging.

Replacement Anchors

Foundation wall anchors stabilize bowing, buckling, or tilting concrete block and poured walls. They use steel earth anchors that embed in stable soil and brace the walls. This stops inward movement, and tightening can even straighten the walls to restore them to their original position. The system is quicker (most jobs are completed in a day or less), more affordable, and less disruptive than complete foundation replacement. The Bugel anchor was one of the first new generation of anchor bolts to receive Lloyd’s high-hold rating. It has a flat fluke that reduces surface area and a roll bar to provide additional strength. If your concrete foundation repair contractor recommends carbon fiber straps or helical wall anchors, they should consult with an engineer to ensure that the structural damage to the foundation is corrected. For example, if the foundation has been undermined by water or a landslide, it will require a completely different solution than a home with intact foundation walls.

Foundation Inspections Tempe Arizona

Whether you’re a homeowner or a commercial property owner, the foundation of your building is vital to its safety and functionality. It’s important to have your foundation inspected as soon as possible to identify and address any issues before they become serious. A professional Tempe foundation inspection company can help you do just that. A concrete foundation is designed to provide support and stability for your building. They’re often built using a combination of slabs and footings, and can be constructed to fit your specific needs. They’re also a great choice for areas that experience extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rains or deep winter freezes. A qualified foundation contractor can repair and stabilize your home’s foundation by excavating the dirt surrounding the base of your home, repairing damaged soil, backfilling it with high grade material and patching it. They can also install a water stop to prevent water from collecting in the basement or crawl space.

Tempe Licensed Foundation Repair Contractors

Tempe Licensed Foundation Repair Contractors


If you are looking for a licensed foundation repair contractor in Arizona, you should start by doing some research on the internet. There are many websites that

Foundation Repair Anchor Bolts fix Foundation Cracks

can give you information on the different companies in your area. You can also look at their customer reviews and other details to find out which one would be the best fit for your needs. You should also make sure to check the company’s credentials and accreditations before hiring them.

There are many signs that your foundation may need repairs. These can range from obvious ones like basement walls cracking to more subtle ones, such as a musty smell or a leaking crawl space. It’s important to look for these warning signs because they can lead to serious problems if not addressed right away. More about Tempe Foundation Repair.

It’s also important to have your foundation inspected by a professional Concrete Repairman LLC. A reputable foundation repair company can offer you a free foundation inspection and provide you with a quote for the repairs. They can also help you avoid costly repairs in the future by catching problems early on.

The best foundation repair contractors in Tempe Arizona are experienced and have the proper tools to do a thorough job. They will also use the latest technology to detect any problems and create a custom solution for your home. They will also explain the process and answer any questions you have.

Arizona New Anchor Bolt J-Bolt Replacement Anchors Tempe

You should choose a company that offers warranties and guarantees on its work. This will give you peace of mind and help you feel confident in choosing the right contractor. In addition, the warranty will protect you against any further problems with your foundation in the future.

Another way to check if a foundation repair contractor is legitimate is by checking with the state’s registrar of contractors. This will give you a good idea of how long they’ve been in business and if they’re reputable.

There are also many other ways to fix a damaged foundation, such as by repairing the cracked concrete or adding soil under the foundation. You can also use helical piers to lift a sagging foundation, walls, pillars or block fences. These piers are installed in the ground below the failing structure and then a jack-type device is used to raise the structure. This method is fast, affordable and effective. It’s a great option for homeowners or businesses.




Best Price for Foundation Repair

What is the Best Price for Foundation Repair?

The cost of foundation repair Mesa Arizona depends on a few things, including the severity of the problem and whether or not you can afford to pay for a full replacement. You can find more information about what a typical foundation repair costs by visiting the website of a reputable foundation contractor. Small foundation problems are usually less expensive to fix than large ones. However, even minor issues can become more serious if you don’t address them quickly. They can lead to sagging floors, cracked walls, and even plumbing issues like burst pipes. Call Concrete Repairman LLC foundation repair Mesa AZ.

Homeowners can prevent some of these problems by getting a professional to examine their house and identify cracks that are symptomatic of a broader issue. If a foundation is leaking or settling, a contractor can fix it by installing a drain system or filling cracks with a concrete-based solution. Structural engineers perform inspections for foundation damage, and they can help homeowners determine what type of repair is best. They can also write a report that highlights the scope of the work needed and the total price of the project.

Another factor that affects the cost of foundation repairs is how much it costs to get permits. Every city or county has its own unique requirements, and you may need to have your foundation repaired in compliance with the code. You may also need to have a soil report done. This will tell you what types of soil your foundation was built on and if it is susceptible to shifting and settling. It will also let you know if there are any unseen obstacles that could prevent the work from getting completed properly.

The number of sections affected by a shifting or settling foundation will also affect the cost. If there are several sections that are in need of repairs, then more piers and supports will need to be installed. Depending on the size of your home, you can expect to pay around $700 per pier or support. Licensed contractors who have experience with foundation repair can save you time and money. They can help you get the right permit and handle any other legal aspects that come up during the project.

When you’re trying to find a professional foundation contractor, it can be helpful to look for reviews from other homeowners who have used the company. These will help you to avoid companies that have poor reviews or complaints. Most foundation companies offer financing options, which can make it easier for you to cover the cost of the work without compromising your house’s structural integrity or the value of the property. A good rule of thumb is to get quotes from at least three contractors. Then, you can compare prices and ask for a breakdown of each company’s fees. In addition to repairing a sagging or settling foundation, a contractor can install a French drain in the area to prevent future water damage. This will also help to improve the value of your property.

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