Foundation Repair Companies Dallas, Fort Worth Texas
Foundation Repairman™
Find Texas foundation repair companies in the Dallas, Fort Worth Tx, fix and repair slab foundation, stem walls, post tension slabs, leveling, pier and beam, lifting, house leveling, expansive soil, foundation inspections, and estimating. Foundation problems can be minor or server, depending on what is causing the foundation problems to begin the damage.
Visit Website: Click Here. Call 817-308-8186 Richard Rash Foundation Repair and Foundation Drainage Consultant.
“My job is to guide you through any and all foundation issues, including preventing foundation movement/damage, stopping foundation movement/damage and reversing foundation movement and damage. My job deals with protecting you from getting unneeded foundation repair, the wrong foundation repair, too much or too little foundation repair or being charged too much for the foundation repair you do need”.
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Post Tension NIGHTMARE!
EXTREME! Foundation Floor Heave
What Causes Foundation Problems?
SAVE BIG $ Floor Leveling & Crack Stitching
FOUNDATION HEAVE Not Expansive Soil Problem?
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What Is Foundation Heave?
Heaving foundations and slabs can cause several problems in your home. Foundation heave occurs when a foundation or concrete slab is forced upward by the expansion of soils underneath. This process creates a number of issues in a home, and it can lead to very severe damage.
What Causes Heaving In Foundation?
Heave is the upward movement of a foundation or slab caused by underlying soils that expand or swell. This occurs due to an increase in moisture or by freezing forces. Heave is more common with slabs than foundations because slabs have less weight to resist heaving forces.
What Causes Concrete To Heave?
Slab heave is caused by clay soils expanding when they absorb moisture. The source of moisture can be rainwater, broken sewer pipes, ground water, poor surface drainage and garden irrigation. The amount of water in the ground is often uneven and so the movement in the house is uneven. This type of misdiagnosis is very prevalent in Arizona. Get the real story call James Belville 602-418-2970.
What Is Expansive Soil Heave?
Ground heave is the upward movement of the ground usually associated with the expansion of clay soils which swell when wet. The impact of heave is opposite to the effect of subsidence which is where soil is unstable and sinks downward, or settlement which is caused by the weight of a building.
What Is Heave Protection?
Ground Heave is the expansion of soil, typically caused by an increase in moisture content. Ground heave solutions are designed to protect floor slabs, ground beams and pile caps from the effects associated with expansive soil types.
What Is Heave In A House?
Subsidence generally occurs when the ground under a house contracts due to a lack of water, which dries out the soil and the house drops. Heave, on the other hand, takes place when an excess of water causes the earth in the ground to expand and ‘heave’ the property upwards and outwards.
What Causes Heave?
The most common cause of ground heave is associated with trees which have died or been removed. … Broken drains or nearby building works that interfere with existing ground drainage. Swelling of the sub-soils due to seasonal weather changes. Water expanding as it freezes causing soil to swell.
What Is Clay Heave?
Clay heave is the term given to what can happen when there’s been an increase of moisture in the earth. … Clay heave expansion can’t travel sideways or downwards. It can only go up. If a structure is blocking the upward movement, clay heave will lift the building, cracking the foundations as pressure is released.
What Is Foundation Upheaval?
Foundation upheaval is a serious problem, as it could eventually cause your home to be unsafe to inhabit. Settling refers to your home “sinking into” its surroundings by actually lowering into the soil. All homes settle; however, too much settling can lead to foundation problems.
What Is Heave Subsidence?
Ground heave is the upward movement of the ground usually associated with the expansion of clay soils which swell when wet. … The impact of heave is opposite to the effect of subsidence which is where soil is unstable and sinks downward, or settlement which is caused by the weight of a building.
What Is Heave Damage?
Ground heave occurs when the ground beneath a building moves upwards, i.e. the opposite of subsidence. Heave is caused by the expansion of the ground, and is usually associated with clay soils which swell when they get wet. … Heave can cause significant damage to building foundations and structure.
Does Clay Expand When Wet?
Expansive soils owe their characteristics to the presence of swelling clay minerals. As they get wet, the clay minerals absorb water molecules and expand; conversely, as they dry they shrink, leaving large voids in the soil.
What Is Floor Heave?
Typically heaving occurs when moisture is added to or returns to the soil, causing it to expand, which in turn pushes up the floor slabs and interior footings. Heave usually occurs with newer homes. When a house is built, a hole is dug and the hole remains exposed to sunlight, usually for several weeks.
What Is Ground Heave?
Ground heave is the upward movement of the ground usually associated with the expansion of clay soils which swell when wet. As the soil generally cannot expand downwards or sideways, the result is that the exposed upper surface of the soil rises up.
What Is Heave In Geology?
Slip is defined as the relative movement of geological features present on either side of a fault plane. In measuring the horizontal or vertical separation, the throw of the fault is the vertical component of the separation and the heave of the fault is the horizontal component, as in “Throw up and heave out”.
What Can Cause Subsidence?
The probable cause was declining groundwater levels. Here are some other things that can cause land subsidence: The principal causes are aquifer-system compaction, drainage of organic soils, underground mining, hydro-compaction, natural compaction, sinkholes, and thawing permafrost.
What Happens When A Slab Sinks?
Sinking Concrete and Why Concrete Sinks. Sinking concrete – you’ll come across it in the form of uneven, cracked, or sunken concrete slabs. And it doesn’t happen without cause. … Well, slab settlement refers to the movement a concrete slab experiences when the soil below can no longer support the weight of it.
What Is A Structural Slab?
A concrete slab is a common structural element of modern buildings. Horizontal slabs of steel reinforced concrete, typically between 4 and 20 inches (100 and 500 millimeters) thick, are most often used to construct floors and ceilings, while thinner slabs are also used for exterior paving.
What Is Foundation Heave?
Heaving foundations and slabs can cause several problems in your home. … Foundation heave occurs when a foundation or concrete slab is forced upward by the expansion of soils underneath. This process creates a number of issues in a home, and it can lead to very severe damage.
What Are The Signs Of Subsidence?
Here are some warning signs to look out for: New cracks in your walls that are more than 3mm wide, normally wider at the top (but don’t panic, not all cracks mean subsidence – minor cracks are fairly common). Cracks forming around weak spots in your home (for example, around doors and windows).
Is Subsidence Covered By Home Insurance?
Most household insurance policies – and some commercial property insurance policies – cover loss or damage caused by subsidence, heave and landslip. However, they only cover the cost of repairing the loss or damage. They do not cover the cost of preventing further subsidence.
What Causes Heave?
The most common cause of ground heave is associated with trees which have died or been removed. Broken drains or nearby building works that interfere with existing ground drainage. Swelling of the sub-soils due to seasonal weather changes. Water expanding as it freezes causing soil to swell.
What Is Clay Heave?
Clay heave is the term given to what can happen when there’s been an increase of moisture in the earth. Clay heave expansion can’t travel sideways or downwards. It can only go up. If a structure is blocking the upward movement, clay heave will lift the building, cracking the foundations as pressure is released.
What Is Heave On A Property?
Subsidence generally occurs when the ground under a house contracts due to a lack of water, which dries out the soil and the house drops. Heave, on the other hand, takes place when an excess of water causes the earth in the ground to expand and ‘heave’ the property upwards and outwards.
Why Does Clay Shrink When It Dries?
Clay body absorption is the amount of water that can leach through a fired clay body, regardless of the glaze or coating, while shrinkage is the rate at which the body shrinks during drying and firing.
Is Clay Good To Build A House On?
Your school, the building where you work, the stores you shop in—all of them are built on soil, and often with it. Building foundations need to be on stable and strong soils. … Soil with good structure is more stable. Clay textures are often more stable than sand textures because they have better structure.
Does Insurance Cover Sinking Foundation?
For the most part, most insurance companies do not cover foundation settlement, unless there are broken water lines under the interior floor that have caused the settlement and damage, “under roof damage”. If you have flood insurance, this would be the most likely to cover this type of settlement of sinking of your foundation. I can’t speak for any insurance company, your would need to consult your insurer for covered damages. Types of foundation problems with Post Tension, Stem Wall, and Monolithic foundations in Arizona.
What Are Signs Of Structural Damage To A House?
Structural damage can consist of singular or multiple problems. Can range from roof being pulled apart from foundation settlement, roof trusses braking, to walls slipping off their foundations. Early signs of structural damage are, cracks in drywall, floors heaving, roof leaks, stair stepping in block walls, vertical cracks in foundation walls, vertical cracks in basement walls.
What Is Foundation Heave?
Foundation heave is when the perimeter foundation walls begin to sink. The interior floor then fallows the foundation down causing the interior floor to heave upwards. This can vary, interior floors can not only fallow the foundation wall down, it can also slip, and all other variable between.
What Causes Slab Heave?
Settlement. Moisture being held next to foundation walls, will penetrate deep enough to effect the dirt that holds up the foundation, walls, and roof structure. Here in Arizona, our foundations are shallow, and are more sensitive to settlement then other areas in the US. When the soil moisture content reaches a high enough level, the soil can no longer hold up the vertical pressures being applied by gravity. When this happens, the foundation moves down, taking the walls with it. The interior floating floor slab, or monolithic foundations, will fallow the foundation walls down, causing the interior floors to crack and heave upwards. It is not because of expansive soils are wet causing this floor heaves in Arizona. It is the rain water holding near the foundation walls.
What Causes Heaves?
Heaves, in general, accuse when the soil underneath no longer is stable. Water, or moisture saturation of most soil types, except for bedrock, will sing. The act of settlement in one area will heave upwards another area, or cause other cracks to develop.
What Is A Structural Slab?
Structural slabs are concrete slabs that are built to hold the loads of a structure.
How Much Does It Cost To Raise A Concrete Slab?
The cost to lift, or raise a concrete slab may very from one contractor to another.
What Is Heave In A House?
Heave in a house is when the interior floor has risen, broken tile, cracks in drywall and may lead to roof leaks.
What Does A Heave Indicate?
Heave indicates that the perimeter foundation footing that holds up the structure is sinking.
How Do I Know If My Foundation Is Sinking?
You know your foundation is sinking when: Cracks appear in the ceiling dry wall, cracking near doorways and windows, floor has raised and cracking tile, and cracks in the foundation walls.
Heaving Foundation Repair Methods?
Heaving foundation repair: Depending on the severity of the damage, heaving foundation repair usually consist of grinding the heave and stitching the two now separated slabs, using reinforcement steel and structural grout, grout the steel in place. This method is widely used throughout the US. If the interior floor slab needs to be leveled, then a floor leveler is then used to bring the floor back the correct elevation. Push piers are also use to lift a sinking foundation perimeter footing, to correct the elevation.
Foundation Repair Phoenix Options?
Foundation repair in Phoenix Arizona by licensed, bonded and insured contractors, is always your best choice. Call 602-418-2970
Foundation Specialists In Arizona?
Foundation specialists have the skills, knowledge, and experience to make the correct diagnoses of foundation problems.
Where To Find Help With Foundation Problems In Arizona?
Foundation problems in Phoenix Arizona are: Oxidized Rebar, Spalling, Settlement, Floor Heave, Foundation Heave, Foundation Cracks, vertical and horizontal. Most all of the foundation problems could be avoided, if only the architects, builders and the engineers would recognize that moisture, (water) is the No.#1 problem here in Arizona. It is hard to think that “There is a water problem here in Arizona” right? Simply put: (1) Compact dirt grade to 86% compaction before installing the foundation footing. (2) Waterproof the exterior foundation walls, before back-filling, and verify that 2 coats of waterproofing (Tar) is installed properly, to just below final dirt grade. (3) Compact the dirt grade when back-filling. (4) Waterproof using a water base acrylic, then exterior house paint on top of that. (5) 6″ rain gutters. If this is done correctly, there will be no longer settlement, heaving floors, broken tile, large cracks in drywall, fewer roof leaks, and less litigation against contractors, and less problems for home owner and commercial building owners in Arizona.
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