Crack Stitching Carbon Fiber Failure

Carbon Fiber

Structural crack stitching using 1/2″ Rebar to structurally stitch concrete cracks in slabs on grade, monolithic,  and post tension slabs floors, is the right choice. By comparing the holding strengths of both repair methods, to structurally stabilize adjoining concrete slabs is vital for structurally sound repairs. The amount of structural epoxies holding in place the carbon fiber material is (more than 10 time less), than rebar stitching methods conducted by foundataion repair experts, Concrete Repairman LLC repair contractor in Phoenix Arizona.

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Data from Montana State University

The compressive strengths and strains to failure for glass and carbon laminates constructed from several types of fabric are listed in Table 1. The waviness inherent in the A130 glass fabric (Figure 3) at a fiber volume fraction of 43% (Material DD12 in the DOE/MSU Database [1]), the ply thickness divided by the weave spacing is about 0.04 [3,4]. Comparing this laminate, DD12, with a similar laminate made with a straight-fiber D155 glass fabric, DD8, the compressive ultimate strain drops from the baseline 2.1% to 1.1%. This nearly 50% reduction in compressive strength and strain to failure is caused by a wave having an amplitude of about one ply-thickness, which would also be expected around flaws and structural details like ply drops. Read More

Grade #60 Rebar Minimum Yield Strength

The minimum yield strength of standard rebar in the US is 60,000 psi. This means that the bar can have a yield strength greater than that but never less. For example, #3 rebar has a minimum yield strength of 6,600 pounds. The minimum yield strength of #4 rebar is (11,780 lbs.) 78% greater. The concrete will break before the steel, ensuring the best slab stitching possible.

Reinforcing bar is used to add tensile strength to concrete. The compressive strength of concrete is ten times the tensile strength. That means it takes ten times the weight, or force, to crush concrete than it does to pull it apart. In reality, concrete is not pulled apart by natural forces. Rather, pressure torques and twists concrete. Torque snaps concrete with weak tensile strength. Cracks in concrete are, more often than not, a symptom of this snapping action, a result of concrete’s weak tensile strength.

Compressive versus tensile strength is best illustrated by a spring. A spring can support a tremendous load when weight is applied to one end of the spring’s cylinder or the other. Once compressed to its maximum, a spring becomes extremely resistant to pressure. It is very difficult to crush a spring when force is applied from one end toward the other. However, if one end of the spring’s cylinder is secured in place and pressure is applied laterally to the opposite end of the spring, the coils provide very little resistance.

A spring can be bowed into a U shape with very little force. Concrete is weak in the same respect. It is ten times easier to break concrete by bowing it than by crushing it. However, if rods are welded to the spring cylinder lengthwise, bending the spring using lateral force is much more difficult. Rebar provides the same structural integrity for concrete. It is the necessity of tensile structural integrity — or the lack of the need for it — that determines what rebar sizes are required for a concrete job. Structural Crack Stitching

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