Concrete Contractor Licensing Information
Concrete Contractor Concrete Repairman LLCThe Arizona Registrar of Contractors issues separate licenses for commercial and residential work and dual licenses that cover both commercial and residential for each particular trade or field of the construction profession. Residential contracting is defined as the construction of residential structures such as houses, townhouses, condominiums, cooperative units, and apartment complexes of four units or less. Residential construction also includes any appurtenances on or within residential property lines, connection to utility service and sewer lines, meters, and mechanical or structural service for any residential structure.
Concrete Contractor C-9 License
Commercial and Residential CR-9 License Roc 300512
Concrete Contractor C-9 License
All work in connection with the processing, proportioning, batching, mixing, conveying, and placing of concrete composed of materials common to the concrete industry, including finishing, coloring, curing, repairing, testing, drilling, sawing, grinding, chipping, and grouting. Placing film barriers, sealing, and waterproofing are included. Construction, centering, assembling forms, molds, insulating concrete forms, slip forms, and pans. Trenching, excavating, backfilling, and grading in connection with concrete construction. Foundation repair, stem wall repair, Tempe, Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert Phoenix.
Installation of embedded items essential to or comprising an integral part of the concrete or concrete construction, including reinforcing elements and accessories.
Concrete Contractor R-9 License
Installation and repair of concrete, concrete products, and accessories common to the industry.
If you have any questions about our license information, please call James at 602-418-2970