Home foundation inspection is a critical component for every new home as well as existing homes. Every state in the US has an annual foundation inspection performed by a licensed foundation inspector. Foundation repair or restoration is a very important aspect of doing business, and without proper foundation protection for your entire building is a potential energy loss. When your home is built, there is a contract written between the builder/developer and the foundation company that outline what needs to be done, how often and which costs are associated with the job. The same holds true when it comes time to do your own foundation repair and inspection.
Most home foundation inspection inspections are simply to make sure the underlying structure is sound. Unfortunately, there are a surprising number of occasions where problems with the foundation actually cause the entire home to collapse. If your home foundation has cracks, sunken areas or other structural deficiencies, it could cause your entire building to become unstable, resulting in structural damage, resulting in foundation repair or even total demolition. The cost of repair can be astronomical when compounded over several years, so it’s best to prevent the problem in the first place.
Foundations come in all shapes and sizes and can vary tremendously in quality and function. Unfortunately, most homes aren’t built to withstand extreme weather conditions. While hurricanes and tornadoes aren’t all that uncommon, severe thunderstorms and earthquakes are commonplace throughout the country. Because our homes are not built to last against these kinds of extreme conditions, home foundation repair becomes a necessity. It’s vital that you get your foundation inspected by a certified home foundation repair specialist or your home might just cave in!
Even though a home foundation inspection isn’t typically covered by homeowners insurance, it is a good idea to have a licensed structural engineer to perform any repairs that need to be made. A qualified structural engineer will know what to look for and how to correct the problem before it becomes extremely expensive. He or she will also know the proper procedures to take if an issue should arise.
Even if you don’t have an issue with your foundation, it’s wise to have a licensed structural engineer to perform any basement or foundation damage inspections that may be necessary. Professional engineers can identify problems before they become a major issue. There’s nothing worse than discovering a water leak in the basement only to find out it was caused by foundation cracking. Or finding out your foundation has started to cave in during the winter, only to discover that it was the result of an earthquake. A qualified professional can prevent all of these issues from happening by performing routine foundation maintenance inspections.
Foundation engineering plans are essential for any home. When it comes to the basement or foundation damage, an annual foundation inspection by a structural engineer will ensure that you and your family stay safe. Your primary goal is to save your home from potential foundation problems so make sure you follow your engineers’ recommendations for safety.
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