At this foundation inspection here in Mesa Arizona we find multiple signs of foundation damage caused by trapped moisture and water damage.

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James Belville (602)418-2970
Concrete Repair

Concrete Foundation Repair Company Mesa Arizona

Right here number six we have this column concrete just pulling away from the concrete that was poured on the floor

This construction joint here seems like a small heave or movement down here but the floor covering is concealing it

Foundation Inspection Contractor Mesa Arizona

Going outside and around this corner over here number one is vertical break in the foundation

Another vertical break another vertical break couple more down here then we have a horizontal break here at number two

When moisture oxygen and steel get together the steel oxidizes and expands up to five times in diameter creating this crack

Foundation Repair Contractor Mesa Arizona

The scores on the crack along here this steel rebar needs to be chipped out cut and removed and a new piece of steel of number four bar encapsulated with rust inhibitor epoxies reinstalled with structural grout waterproofed and painted

Most homes here in the valley are only 24 inches deep the stem wall foundation type and they’re very susceptible to soil moisture content

Foundation Damage Repair Mesa Arizona

When the soil moisture content reaches a high enough level it can no longer hold the vertical pressure that is being applied then the foundation starts going down causing these vertical breaks

Just a note here right here at this threshold these are construction joints they’re very typical nothing to worry about

Foundation Settlement Contractor Mesa Arizona

The foundation comes up and it’s blocked out goes down comes back up and continues the interior floor is poured out to the vertical face of this foundation

Number three we have a vertical break that’s suggesting that going that direction it went down this is an irrigated lot the crack is larger at the top than it is at the bottom it is a fact it is moving downwards

Foundation Repair Contractor Mesa Arizona

Number four number five construction joint this used to be a threshold the doorway used to come out here in this area

I’m gonna go into this room right here it seems like the moisture comes up and can get underneath this slab of concrete and affect the foundation

Number seven there’s a crack in the slab right here it’s not heaved up a lot but if you’re going to put a rigid material down on this floor you definitely want to have this ground and stitched and then your tile guys are going to put their fibered felt down to help protect from the crack going up through the tile

Foundation Damage Contractor Mesa Arizona

Now we’re back outside at the front of the home number eight looks like there’s something going on there for sure

Looks like it’s expanding or at least shifted and should be chipped out and investigated a little bit more

Repair is suggested number nine vertical breaks the foundation wall right there and right over here our stating that the foundation broke in these two locations and is moving down

Foundation Settlement Contractor Mesa Arizona

There are termites in this area that have been identified by the termite company

Foundation Movement Contractor Mesa Arizona

The planter is probably holding water or has been irrigated to some degree rain water is also filling it up causing a little bit of water damage on the inside

By putting six inch aluminum seamless rain gutters on here with brackets to hold it out straight and dirt grading is recommended

Going around on this side number ten the reinforcement steel is starting a horizontal crack along here and there are other vertical breaks in this area as well so there is movement

Concrete Contractor Mesa Arizona

The dirt grading is such it is holding water whatever water comes in this geographic area the paint is peeling off and the concrete has spalled

Spalling definition is the degradation of the surface of concrete whether it’s vertical or horizontal

This concludes my evaluation and summary of this foundation inspection at this home

For more information contact James (602)418-2970

Foundation Repair Expert Mesa Arizona

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James Belville – Foundation Repairman™ – (602)418-2970

Foundation Repair Expert – Concrete Repairman® LLC – a fully licensed, bonded and insured foundation repair company serving customers in Scottsdale and surrounding areas in Mesa Arizona. We have over 30 years of experience installing and repairing home foundation cracks, floor crack structural stitching, floor leveling, stem walls, post tension, monolithic and resurfacing foundation damage for homeowner, and commercial clients in Mesa Arizona.


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