I’ve already done my initial inspection this is a summary of my inspection of this property here in Phoenix Arizona.
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James Belville 602-418-2970
Concrete Repair
Foundation Inspection Phoenix Arizona
There’s no paint or waterproofing on the foundation
There’s spalling from the original paint being peeled off this is falling here and then a little more detrimental issue is this vertical break and it shows signs of settlement
Another vertical break right there and horizontal reinforcement steel is oxidizing
This whole corner is going to have to come off and the oxidation of the reinforcement steel is continuing
It has a low voltage electrical current running in it now because of the exposure to moisture and oxygen and right here if I bust this open you’ll see the rebar inside there busting off the side of this foundation here
This horizontal crack continues and goes on around I recommend it to be repaired
I open this up didn’t see any oxidation of the steel however got vertical break another vertical break another one another one another one and so forth
There is settlement the foundation is going down
This downspout needs to either have a trough to allow the water away from this foundation or it will continue to settle
These are what settlement fractures look like these vertical breaks in the foundation wall and then the horizontal crack is the oxidation of the reinforcement steel
So all of this needs to be repaired and waterproofed an extension over here on this downspout and that downspout would improve it over here
On the other side I opened that up it should be waterproofed and painted
The oxidation continues down here just slightly but it’s coming more vertical foundation cracks settlement and some old termite tubes
When you hold water near a foundation not only does it settle peels off the paint on the exterior goes in starts the oxidation process also settles the foundation and termites have
to have moisture in the soil to tunnel that’s why they’re here going over here
On this side more oxidation throughout this entire side slows down over here a little bit
This corner needs to be removed and repaired 100% of this foundation wall should be repaired waterproof to paint it is what my recommendation is
I did talk to two of the residents on the bottom floors I did not have permission to view any issues on the interior
This gentleman let me in here going upstairs
There’s a little bit movement over here on this side looks like it’s been repaired before as well
So what happens when these foundations move down on the lower floor ground level it affects the structure as well so there is a little bit of stress on the roof could lead to roof leaks
The floor joists underneath here will move with this foundation and create a few high spots and that sort of thing
For more information about foundation repair and foundation inspections contact James at (602)418-2970
James Belville – Foundation Repairman™ – (602)418-2970
Foundation Repair Expert – Concrete Repairman® LLC – a fully licensed, bonded and insured foundation repair company serving customers in Scottsdale and surrounding areas in Phoenix Arizona. We have over 30 years of experience installing and repairing home foundation cracks, floor crack structural stitching, floor leveling, stem walls, post tension, monolithic and resurfacing foundation damage for homeowner, and commercial clients in Phoenix Arizona.
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