As we discover early signs of foundation movement here at this property in Chandler Arizona we can prevent further damage and expensive repairs in the future.

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James Belville (602)418-2970
Concrete Repair

Foundation Inspection Contractor Chandler Arizona

Foundation Damage Contractor Chandler Arizona

This foundation inspection summary come over here to number one and the paints painted down to the top of the dirt

Dirt gets wet below the paint line the moisture comes up traps the efflorescence in between the paint and the vertical wall of this foundation chewing into the vertical foundation wall removing the paint

Foundation Inspection Contractor Chandler Arizona

Foundation Repair Expert Chandler Arizona

Over here on this side number two you have vertical breaks in the foundation here there and there suggest that the foundation is moving slightly down caused by moisture near a shallow foundation here in Arizona on this home

Foundation Damage Repair Chandler Arizona

Home Foundation Contractor Chandler Arizona

Going inside we’re inside now number three and it’s very slight that it is suggesting that this home needs rain gutters a very small hairline attack right here in this joint

It’s very difficult to see but on your left is the perimeter foundation while sitting on top of a perimeter footing and on the right is an interior wall sitting on top of an interior floor if the perimeter foundation moves separately then the interior floor you will get a shearing crack in this location which there is in a very infant stage suggesting this home should have rain gutters

Number four there’s a crack coming right off of that corner

I take that back and it is not a crack that is texture

Foundation Crack Repair Chandler Arizona

Cracked Foundation Contractor Chandler Arizona

Going upstairs going in the master number 5 is also shearing there’s very slight shearing crack that looks like it’s been patched over before a little bit of patch material and it’s just suggesting that rain gutter should be applied to the exterior of this home

Foundation Movement Repair Chandler Arizona

Foundation Repair Contractor Chandler Arizona

Number 6 slight shearing in these corners very slight also suggesting rain gutters

There’s nothing more in these other rooms very stable

Concrete Leveling Contractor Chandler Arizona

Going to the backyard into the garage and number 7 this is a control joint this control joint is opening up slightly which is suggesting that it is moving upwards

With that information and there is a wide crack running just off of this corner going across the garage which is not only suggesting but it means that rain gutters should be put on all the way around this house

Because we live here in Arizona hardly ever rains in Arizona hardly anybody’s got any rain gutters it is an arid climate

The footings don’t have to go as deep as if it were freeze and fall climate

The bottom of footings go down to undisturbed soil which is very shallow

That’s why you have to be concerned with moisture near your foundation holding up the vertical load pressures

Going outside here it’s gonna take two hands number eight is just right outside this garage door stoop area and right up here where this roofline meets the home there’s a little crack coming off of there it’s suggesting that this section is moving independently than the main home area so rain gutters can solve this to keep it from moving any anymore

Also number eleven this rain water is coming off of here landing here in this trap behind this wall and there is enough room near this foundation area that you could contour the dirt grading to where it can go out of this area and rain gutters

As we come over here on the patio we start seeing some paint peeling off and then where this little nook pops out at the patio there’s a little stress coming in over here stress at the windows

We come around the corner and this has been patched over before and this is effervescence salt deposit left behind

How this occurs is when you trap it so the paint or in this case the patch material is only patched down to the top of the dirt the dirt gets wet below the patch material the efflorescence salt is transported by moisture so the soil gets wet below the patch or the paint comes up underneath and the moisture evaporates up leaving the salt deposit chewing in to the vertical wall of this foundation causing spalling spalling is the degradation of the surface of concrete whether it is vertical or horizontal this should be repaired and waterproofed below the moisture line in the soil and that will stop this from continuing

I’m suggesting we repair it from this corner all the way around to the front of the home that was number 9 number 10 we still see the same situation happening here

Foundation Repair Expert Chandler Arizona

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James Belville – Foundation Repairman™ – (602)418-2970

Foundation Repair Expert – Concrete Repairman® LLC – a fully licensed, bonded and insured foundation repair company serving customers in Scottsdale and surrounding areas in Chandler Arizona. We have over 30 years of experience installing and repairing home foundation cracks, floor crack structural stitching, floor leveling, stem walls, post tension, monolithic and resurfacing foundation damage for homeowner, and commercial clients in Chandler Arizona.


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