Concrete Repairman®

How to Repair Foundations – Concrete Repairman®

How to Repair Foundations

A home’s foundation is anchored to the earth around it, but soil shifts and moves due to weather and groundwater conditions. This stress puts a strain on foundation walls, and can cause cracks and other problems. It is important to catch these problems early to prevent them from getting worse. This is especially true for structural problems, such as sinking and bowing foundation walls. How to repair foundation videos.

In some cases, a cracked or leaning foundation can be repaired using concrete repair techniques that are simple and inexpensive. However, even these methods can only address the problem at the surface. To address the underlying issue, it is necessary to perform other more extensive and costly repairs.

If the crack is less than a quarter inch wide, it can usually be filled with a polyurethane or silicone caulk. Apply the caulk using a caulking gun to force it into the crack, making sure to fill it completely. Concrete Repairman YouTube.

For cracks wider than a quarter inch, it’s best to call in a professional. A structural engineer can help you determine if the crack is a problem or not, and if it needs to be repaired. It is also best to remove foundation plantings and install guttering and downspouts, to ensure that water is directed away from the house, and to slope the yard so that it doesn’t collect near the foundation. More about foundation repair.

These types of cracks are often caused by hydrostatic pressure pushing against the foundation wall. This is particularly common in areas with expansive clay soils that can swell when wet. Depending on the severity of the crack, a professional may need to perform an inspection and recommend a concrete repair method.

If a crack in the foundation wall is accompanied by a slight bulge, this is usually a sign that the crack is more severe and should be evaluated by a professional. It is also important to examine the surrounding soil, to make sure that it is not too wet or loose.

Tension Ties Strap Repair

If you have a basement that is experiencing serious problems, it may be time to consider a Tension Ties strap system to stabilize the foundation. This is an effective and cost-efficient way to keep your basement safe and dry.

A cracked or sinking basement can be an embarrassment, and a safety hazard for your family. However, the good news is that many of these problems can be prevented with a little maintenance and some basic foundation repairs. If you see any cracks, or other signs of trouble, call a professional for a free inspection. The sooner a problem is spotted, the easier and cheaper it is to fix. Review of Concrete Repairman

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